We are proud to offer Jonathan Green Lawn care in our Greenhouse. Jonathan Green’s revolutionary approach utilizes premier products to treat both your lawn AND your soil to truly get to the root of your lawn’s health. Have questions? We can help! Stop by to ask any of our knowledgeable staff members how and when to treat your lawn appropriately.
Grass Seed
Jonathan Green uses tried and true genetics and rigorously tested seed blends to create a mix for every lawn condition. Check out which grass seed might be best for you!

Black Beauty Original
#1 Seller! You cannot go wrong with this.
• Johnathan Green’s most heat and drought tolerant grass seed blend
• Extensive root system that can grow up to four feet deep
• Plant leaves possess an invisible waxy coating, like skin on an apple, that preserve plant moisture and shields the grass blades from disease
• Germination 10-14 days
• Available in 5, 25, and 50 pound bags

Black Beauty Ultra
• Fast establishment in newly seeded lawns, and fills in bare spots quickly in thin lawns
• Excellent heat and disease resistance; as well as drought tolerance
• Mixture of tall fescues, Kentucky bluegrass, and perennial ryegrass for fast germination and wear tolerance in lawns that experience heavy traffic
• Germination in 7-14 days
• Available in 1, 3, 7, and 25 pound bags

Black Beauty Sun & Shade
• Grows well in either full sun or partial shade
• Naturally insect and disease resistant
• Perfect for over-seeding and fills in bare spots quickly to improve your lawn’s appearance
• Contains tall fescues, Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, and fine fescue
• Germinates in 7-14 days
• Available in 3, 7, and 25 pound bags

Black Beauty Shady Nooks
• Survives in wet or dry areas of up to ninety percent deep shade, where other grasses fail
• Most shade tolerant mixture on the market
• Contains tall fescues, perennial rye, and fine fescues
• Germinates in 10-14 days
• Available in 3,7,and 25 pound bags

Black beauty Heavy Traffic
• Contains the toughest and most durable turf grass varieties
• Attractive dark green color and roots that grow up to four feet deep, this mix is perfect for backyards, sports fields, curb strips, or anywhere aggressive foot traffic from athletes, children, and pets occur
• Mixture of tall fescues and perennial rye
• Germination in 7-14 days
• Available in 3, 7, and 25 pound bags

Black Beauty Lawn Repair
• All-in-one solution containing Black Beauty grass seed, soil food, lawn food, and seed establishment mulch
• Quickly fills in stubborn bare spots in lawns and pet damaged areas
• Contains 20% more grass seed and covers more bare spots than any other lawn patching mixture on the market
• Germinates in 7-14 days
• Available in bags covering 100 sq. ft. and 300 sq. ft.

Black Beauty Texas Bluegrass
• Solar Green Texas Bluegrass that can withstand temperatures up to 100 degrees!
• Requires less water and fertilizer than Kentucky Bluegrass
• Grows dark green, drought resistant, and highly durable lawns
• Grows well in both sunny or shady areas
• Germinates 14-21 days
Fertilizers & Amendments
Jonathan Green also makes unbeatable fertilizers and amendments to not only feed your lawn, but also improve your soil because healthy soil = healthy lawns!

Green-Up for Seeding & Sodding
• Formulated to grow quicker and thicker grassroots which are essential for surviving the stresses of summer and winter
• Rich in phosphorus, a key component in root formation (12-18-8)
• Apply the same day as seeding or sodding
• Feeds up to two months
• Available in 1500, 5,000, and 15,000 sq. ft. bags

Mag-I-Cal Plus for Lawns
• Rapidly and efficiently raises soil pH
• One bag has the pH adjusting power of up to 15 bags of limestone
• Lawns thrive in soil with pH levels between 6.2-7.0. When pH level is below this range, grass becomes light green, weeds persist, and fertilizer nutrients are not fully absorbed
• Can be used when seeding
• Available in bags covering 5,000 and 15,000 sq. ft.
***We also have Mag-I-Cal Plus for Alkaline Soil!

Love Your Soil
• Breaks up clay and loosens compacted soils, which improves root penetration, grass growth, and root mass
• Spurs soil microbes to break down trapped soil nutrients
• Revitalizes soil by improving air and water flow
• Available in bags covering 5,000 and 15,000 sq. ft.
We also carry the following Jonathan Green products:
- Crabgrass Preventer (Cannot be used when seeding)
- Crabgrass Preventer with New Seeding Fertilizer (great when seeding!)
- Green Up Lawn Food
- Green Up Weed & Feed
- Corn Gluten Weed Preventer
- Lawn Fungus Control
- Lawn Moss Control
- Grub & Insect Control
Organic Lawn Food
Winter Survival
Summer Survival